Day2Long by Timothy SomersYeah,
We dreamed each other for awhile.
Yes it was fun, playing "what if" and "when".
Sad to say,
it lasted just a day too long.
Ever since, we've been playing with ourselves.
The loving was good.
Scrapbook snapshots for my older quiet moments,
holding cheeks and pressing stomachs,
rushing blood and wetness.
Your backing into me and squirming,
twisting hips and other welcome lips
to suck me in.
Little bites and cries,
face watching, while the heat at joining
tore our thoughts away.
Gasping out of shock.
forgotten breathing out when
pleasure covered simple things like breath.
I devoured you as you devoured me.
Undying love professed to body parts.
I know my neck is loved.
I know I love
both your hot wet ends,
again forever.
It lasted just a day too long,
but one more night not long enough. 12/20/2008 Posted on 12/20/2008 Copyright © 2025 Timothy Somers