The Clink by Peter Humphreysmisty mornings
mellow meet
along the river
down the street
where old friends
greet the coming of
new dawnings
I listen quiet
as sea gulls screech
and rats upon
their morning beat
slide between the
rubbish heaps
eagle eyed and sullen
I wonder if
when I was born
this evil street
that pours its scorn
was ever kind to children
but by the grimy prison wall
I hear the screams
and heed the calls
for freedom 12/18/2008
Author's Note: The Clink was a notorious prison in Southwark (1151-1780) and, during periods of religious upheaval, housed Protestant and Catholic dissenters in turn. Latterly it was used for drunkards, prostitutes, debtors and others unfortunate not to be rich.
Posted on 12/18/2008 Copyright © 2025 Peter Humphreys