
Back Snap

by Alisa Js

somewhere behind the roaring rhetoric
laying beside promises slain
shivering there, inside cold hearted twists
was this...

a wounded excuse.

crumpled by the wayside
beginning to blend with those surrounding sights
mulching along with the rest of the trash
thrown out back,
residual backlash
where no one will notice
where no one really cared

whatever happened to honesty and being real
have we forgotten our ways?
keeping a promise seems so foreign, nowadays
walking with integrity, unheard of
ask anyone if they remember
when one's word was their bond.
when a simple handshake was sufficient
and character mattered,
strong as an oak tree
and all that...

no more
no longer,
it's all about image
all about face,
never mind the intention is worthless
as soon as it's uttered, it's already forgotten
reduced to a sound bite and lost,
follow the bouncing ball
commitments hiding beneath the ruins
of what was
once noteworthy and true


Posted on 11/07/2008
Copyright © 2024 Alisa Js

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Joe Cramer on 11/07/08 at 07:45 PM


Posted by Tim J Bono on 11/15/12 at 08:24 AM

Well said Alisa (in meaning and form). Some great lines in this!

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