
mirror - mirror

by Sophia Grace

MIRROR. fall out of bed.
the repeated vacancy of
your touch. DAWN. a dance
of what exists (the MIRROR)
and what never has.

MIRROR. a quick glance and
you're out of my sight. check
for smear marks (none.) smooth
the wrinkles. watch life's toll.

MIRROR. afternoon in a dusty alley-
way. cigarette smoke mixes with the
rising dust - my eyes tear up and overflow -
you kiss me roughly, tearing at my lips
and i shudder as the MIRROR laughs.

MIRROR. late dusk. softly touching you
to tell along the lips i start to fall.
this is a question coming back for more,
but these are not answers. the MIRROR
watches silently and sullenly as we
clumsily falter through the steps.

fingertips here. midnight. rip the veil
off. touch the stone and set it crashing
down. look back to see who's watching (no
one except the MIRROR.)


Author's Note: Another old piece, slightly reworked from the original

Posted on 11/04/2008
Copyright © 2025 Sophia Grace

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Steven Kenworthy on 11/05/08 at 04:19 AM

this poem in all of its mirror focus has a million layers to it which i love. i like a poem i need to read a few times to put together all the pieces... makes me think of the song "mirror error" by the faint. very heavy piece loaded with big crashy words. pretty in a falling down sort of way.

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