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city of rivers

by H.M Stevens

rise old motor city

like a feather
the wind just wont drop

not a flame or a light
that blinds and burns

because you get too close to its wanting

beyond a steady pulse or engine running

the gas will run out, the pulse is never steady

All your cracked concrete; ashed babies-

the former bounty of your glory

and innovation

The Great Detroit Mind

Your blue eyed dreams

From the notes of your musical
soul arrived

a generation!

an empire

built on the backs of poor

fake golden islands

cruisin' through the neighborhoods

in grave wheeled solitude

langstons dream and kozel's rock

stretching up to touch the sun


Author's Note: updated 12/26

Posted on 10/31/2008
Copyright © 2024 H.M Stevens

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 11/01/08 at 12:18 AM

So much to see and experience in and around Detroit. A sad demise to say the least! You've caught the glory and travail and the twilight shadows poignantly and pointedly.

Posted by Scott Cadence on 11/01/08 at 04:25 PM

I enjoyed reading this, vivid imagery.

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