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What is Gone?

by Anastasia Selby

There is nothing missing in my life
except a lack of resolve and will
to continue.

I move through the days,
a wave,
pushed and pulled with
emotions I can't seem
to control.

I look at the trees being
threaded with the wind
and sewn into the sky,
I want to climb their strings
and grasp onto something more
compliant than my world, here.

When I was younger
I always thought
I would be someone brilliant,
and I waited
for something to hit me, happen,

and it did,
again, and again, and again,
it hit me,
knocking me down

Each time
I put my hands
in front of me
to catch myself
I believe
less and less
that a solid ground
exists beneath me.


Posted on 10/27/2008
Copyright © 2025 Anastasia Selby

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Scott Utley on 10/27/08 at 05:14 PM

Once again you capture the angst that plagues our species. It's a dilemma to deal with this - a dilema that tests our faith in the genius of our creator. I think if you can express this as boldly and as clearly as you do, you are much more together than the average 'joe the freaked-out guy', that would be me.

Posted by George Hoerner on 10/27/08 at 05:38 PM

We no doubt have all done things we regret. The trick is to move on and learn from what we've done. Remember, no good deed goes unpunished and only the good die young. So take a lesson in self doubt and see what you can do with it as you have here.

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