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my fault for giving myself

by Gary Hoffmann

my fault for giving myself too much opportunity to meet interesting people
shoulda known it’d cause problems
ain’t wrong to think she’s a wonderful person
ain’t wrong to think she’s beautiful besides
wouldn’t be truth
but it’s not allowed, not allowed
can’t believe love is more than a blanket made for one
wouldn’t be right they all say, everyone says
even the polyams have their primary
only one ego at a time, always the same, always not allowed
adultery in your heart, heart’s too small
first in last out

maybe they’re right, maybe we should all be trees
marry the first we find and remain forever sessile,
never allowed a wider vision of the world
toads at the bottom of the well only see one star
so they don’t know if it’s not the brightest
can’t quantify the magnitude anyway, always saturates, always overloads the senses
extra virgin olive oil

didn’t even do anything, just looked at her slightly longer than the rest
let my eyes settle just a bit too comfortably within hers
far too comfortably
a bit too comfortably
a bit hurt, she says, just a bit, that one quantum of information
i zeroed her one she says

can’t quantify, can’t analyze
a flood of memories is non-newtonian, non-laminar
navier-stokes doesn’t work, no real analysis here
can’t take the partial derivative of the cosine of my feelings for her
and the imaginary sine of my feelings for the other one
that kind of love is unnatural, they say

so let me sit and i'll just yin
my yang and yang my yin
let the wind, let the wind, let the wind


Posted on 09/29/2008
Copyright © 2025 Gary Hoffmann

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 09/29/08 at 02:23 PM

...gary, i already love the way you write, lacing our dear cosmos with the mundane and making a wonderful, tasty stew...you keep love, attraction at a good distance from Eros and his mythical arrows...so much you do to me as sagen, hoyle, einstein, newton arrre just some of my heros...i'm a wayward learner but this pome[sic] is a nice lil' jolt about the thing most pronounced, poetic thing to most earthly beings, yet our umbrella is the nebulae of space and it's ingredients...too much!

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