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Weekly Reminders

by Jeffrey Parren

As we begin to settle in
boxes removed or relocated
everything tidied
a place to be found
not only for belongings
but for us
an eagerness takes over
thinking of a new job
nights and weekends ours
the power of our volition.

Relaxation Mondays
the week beginning needs a break.

Scrabble Tuesdays
our brains work again.

Weeping Wednesdays
our weekly mushy movie night.

Tricky Thursdays
Who knows what they will bring?

Joyous Fridays
the week's over but the fun isn't!

Strategy Saturdays
how much can we do in one day?

Sinful Sundays
life this good can’t be legal.

As we begin our “real life” together
after enduring a puny studio
maybe only for a short time
the madness of limited space
helps me appreciate
quality living we do embark upon
knowing this is only the beginning
that dreams once thought just so
now seem so attainable
anything is possible
because it will be with you.


Author's Note: I love you Amy.

So in my haste and eagerness of productivity found in writing the original I posted without a title which meant, yes, it got deleted again since I usually just write here and not on Notepad or Word or anything that smart people do, so this, too, is a second version.

Posted on 09/16/2008
Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Parren

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