I think they made a handbook for that. by Johnny CrimsonWandering through a seltzer lined prison,
my face equates while my brain, erupts.
Think Math, think Math and all will work itself out.
"You sent them to the houses, those drugged minstrels armed with curved knives, a minimal dick, and pristine pussy."
From what they told me the walls were covered, faces in pools on the floor, words written in flesh and babies removed.
Math I must think Math in order to finish, to get my degree,and have offspring roam free.
Sick? You must be fibbing, luminous in her own right she hanged there swinging that swanky suicide swing they do, and her head...
Well it grew tired of resting on her shoulders and the body fell free from the noose.
Why are you always so cute in the morning?
I Would like to fuck and chase you around all day but I've got work to do.
The devious ways you're gaining weight.
I think you've been eating behind my back.
And this is about a lot of things,this entry. But the one point I really want to drive home here is :
I'm not ready for the fall semester 09/04/2008 Posted on 09/05/2008 Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson