
her cancer is your addiction...

by Olivia Weinkein

her cancer
is your addiction
there's your food for thought
on a rainy night,

telephone, disconnected.

interstates still swarming
with faces you'll never touch.

maybe you should have just loved
her once.


Posted on 08/19/2008
Copyright © 2024 Olivia Weinkein

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by George Hoerner on 08/19/08 at 03:41 PM

Ah, the guilt we carry and even put upon others. Tough but nicely done lady.

Posted by Nicole D Gregory on 08/19/08 at 03:47 PM

Wow! Well written. I read your postings and am so impressed and wish I could share with you "my chicago" because it is so beautiful (from other works of yours); and each time you write I feel the conviction and depth. You show a real strength in your work... a strength from the inside; and I really admire that. ~N

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