a little too tough by Corey Lockabyit shouldn't be wrong but it is
i still feel the same pang of regret
it was 4 years
still i sit at pleasant dinners
with a sharp pang in my heart
stealing glances behind me
who is it you're with now?
i name this work to begin with an "a"
near the top so maybe you'll read it
i'm desperate to feel like i didn't fuck it all up
but i know i did
and you know i did
it's our knowledge to share behind guarded eyes
you can still smile
i can still smile
it's kind of sick
kind of sadistic
to let myself gather on this thought
i was a fool
it's easy to be
i'm still a fool
but for love, not want
even now you're better than i could dream of
was it not fate, bringing your message to me, so long ago?
well, that sucks.
because i kinda like you
(i had a dream again last night
what leadbelly sang for irene
it makes sense now
sometimes dreams
are perfect
i was floating down a river
i grabbed a branch overhead
it broke off and when i looked in my hand
i saw a chain and locket
of white gold
on the bank was a tiger
and with that
i knew where i was)
so you can take your leave
no matter what i do
i couldn't look like more of an ass
even my family knows
it's one of the best meals i ever ate
and all i ever want to do is vomit 07/30/2008 Posted on 07/30/2008 Copyright © 2025 Corey Lockaby