

by Mary J Anna

I think
in the end
We'll be grateful for this
You will see a sacrifice
and I will see that
I passed a test
Lord knows I'll always love you
But it will be different
because of this
I will be kinder
You will be more willing
perhaps sometime
when we are making love
you won't even notice it
but it will always be there-
between us.


Author's Note: i have had a hard time including the lines about making love but I think it works okay... do you?

Posted on 07/15/2008
Copyright © 2024 Mary J Anna

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Alison McKenzie on 07/15/08 at 04:53 PM

I do think it works. It brings an intimacy into it that might not have been visited otherwise. It is the one thing in the poem that makes it seem like the couple is going on together, rather than separating. It would also be cool, I think, if the "thing between" them was included in other references as well, to see how it might affect some of their other interactions too. Just an afterthought.

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