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You never know

by Johnny Crimson

The men dropped their Alligator briefcases in the
conference room and began to work

Shuffling papers and dodging egos
Sherry was about to quit this
fucking dead end filing job

She could no longer see herself working
for these pricks who had all but gotten on their
knees and peeked up her skirt

EXCEPT for Chase

Chase had crocodile tear tattoos
Chase was mamma's rich little baby boy
Chase had a body and brain to fuck with

Sherry would have left long ago had it not been
for those nights they spent alone in the drafting room
Sucking on whatever
Fogging up whatever

She had a plan to leave with Chase
and forget JP Morgan forever
They would run to the Islands of Borneo of course
There was property there left from her mother's side
Her rich mother who vanished so long ago

This morning Sherry got a call from the Timeshare in Borneo
confirming there arrival date
And they asked if her and her brother would need separate rooms
Confused she said to the woman "No, were a couple, were not related."

"Yes you are ma'am. I have it here.
Chase Moran, son of Judy Moran
Daughter Sherry, Purchase date 1/9/78"

They found Sherry in the carport this morning
Apparently she had fallen 14 stories and crawled a bit
before choking on her own blood

Clenched tightly in her left hand was a note that read:
In her right hand was Chases' dick
Tattooed with crocodile tears


Posted on 07/08/2008
Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Coleman Demiurge on 07/09/08 at 04:14 AM

A tale of morality to be sure - Excellent work. I've always liked the phrase "crocodile tears", especially in conjucture with tattoos in inappropriate places... Very nicely done.

Posted by Julie Adams on 07/11/08 at 04:55 AM

what a intriguing piece, it lures you somewhat unwittingly to the shocking last two stanzas...I love how you expose, selectively and with purpose, rather than random crocodile tears forcing a moment...this piece pulls to mind tragedies like Oedipus, Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, etc...even Freud...such power plays ring true and familiar...the haunting but unforgettable images fossilized in my overactive imagination—the goal of any poet I'd like to assume... a pleasure :) peace to u, jewels

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