
The Letter

by Ymelda Ramirez

Dear *enter name here*,

I promised you I would stay away. At least until I figured this whole thing out. But, I never envisioned it to be so hard. I thought about you today, as I do everyday. Oh *enter name here*, this whole situation has been difficult on both of us. I never expected to feel this way about you. This rush of emotions that circulate my soul jolted what i pictured for my future. I wanted to blame *enter name here* for leading me to you. But, it's not *his/her* fault. *He/she* could have never imagined that *his/her* disregard for my existence would lead me to run to the arms of the one person who could comfort me. I find myself thinking of you constantly. You devour my every thought. I wonder what you're doing. If you think of me or even miss me as much as I do. My whole world feels centered around you. I'm afraid to take a step further. Afraid, you see, of what I might discover.

I miss the way my face fits in your hands and the way you gently played with my hair. I miss our in-depth conversation about nothing and how we could carry it on for hours and hours and hours. I know I'm doing the right thing. I am right?? I can picture you looking down on me and asking me what's running through my tiny little head and I'm afraid to tell you how deep inside I hope I fail. I know that when I do, you'll be there with sparkling eyes and a tender kiss. Remeber me always *enter name here*, because I will never forget you. You will always hold that place in my heart that is hidden away from all with a blind eye. It's a secret place that no one has discovered and that only responds to your caressing touch.

*Enter name here*, I hold comfort in the fact that at least I can still call you friend. At least I hope I can. It will be awkward hearing your voice and reading your kind words. Awkward because I'll want to run to your arms and have you hold me for hours on end. It can't be that way anymore. I will have to restrain myself. I promise you that I will be strong. One day I will realize how great I truly am and I will owe it all to you. Don't think of me as stupid or crazy, I just need time. Time to reflect on what's really important to me without influence and based on my own personal needs. It's time I grow up and face my demons.

Thank you for being you and impacting my life.

With all my love,
*enter name here*


Posted on 07/05/2008
Copyright © 2025 Ymelda Ramirez

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