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I am everything Romanov

by Johnny Crimson

Ice fishing
in the hills
Finger fucking
in the hills
Heads leaning back with open mouths
pointed and shouting toward the sky

Then I hushed them

The Siberian sun had faded hours ago
and so had our interest in fishing
I heard screams of hellfire from below us
in a house we called Ipatiev

Rumor had it the Tsar himself was down there
and his family cooped up like dogs had been held
captive for weeks

What I'd do to get my hands on a daughter or two

We went to them
Sex crew and I
Rolling down the hills to the smoking cottage below

And the men were gone
The brutes who bring death I mean
The sticky gut floor was atrocious at best
and the brains of the Tsar could be seen on our shoes

We found Anastasia and that sickly brother of hers

Knowing he'd only get in our way
We buried his face in the snow
and took his sister up to the hills

The traveling perverted

We made it home to our cave
Opened the grand duchess up
just to see what made her tick

I had my go first and she rode much better alive
But the crew thought otherwise
so a boot met her face and her face
met a brick

I can't say what really happened after that
but I know good times were had by all

I do know that we took her back down to her family
and that she for sure died that freezing day

Although every now and then
Every July 17th
My dick tingles like it did inside her
and that boy we froze tries to hurt me


Posted on 06/30/2008
Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson

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