
The Coming Shift

by Alison McKenzie

The coming shift haunts me.
So much has been written of it,
And still,
Even where prophecy ends,
There are great tragedies left unspoken.

Floods and magnetic disturbances,
Ice where heat reigned,
And heat where, once, breath froze;
To say nothing of food or water,
Even air in the end.

For so long, the heralds of our times
Shouted and flung their banners -
“Beware, for the end is nigh.” -
But those voices faded
And now even my Christian daughters
Don’t know what “rapture” means.

It’s probably just as well since
I doubt anyone shall be spared
The idiocy of our human karma.
So much suffering
That might have been prevented
Had we laid aside greed,
Especially the lust for technology,
Rendered dust by laws more ancient
Than all of our lives combined.

As close as I believe it is now,
There is still a thick haze
That does not part to allow clarity.
And I suspect that my deepest suffering
Will not come close to the gnashing of teeth
That can already be heard in the gathering fear
Of what lies beyond 2012.

Even this writing will disappear
And our grandchildren will only be able
To speculate about their history,
Starting over,
Reinventing wisdom and trust,
Kindness and hope.

If any shall come back in time to visit me,
I will write of it and pray…


Author's Note: I don't mean to sound so morbid, but I am haunted these days by dreams of the future and what may be coming - retina scans and fingerprinted identities, and no business to be done without them. Weather and actual earth shifts that create even worse natural disasters than the ones we are already seeing. They already "chip" our pets, and some airline passengers have opted to have their retinas and/or fingerprints scanned to move to the front of the security checks. How long before we are to be convinced that our children's safety would be easier to ensure with this same technology? Not long, I fear. And the scariest thing is that it will seem logical to us to do it...It's not far away at all.

Posted on 06/23/2008
Copyright © 2025 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mary Frances Spencer on 06/23/08 at 10:30 PM

Scary to imagine what will happen, we really need that hope, wisdom and kindness now to get us through. MFS

Posted by George Hoerner on 06/23/08 at 11:04 PM

If humanity is lucky enough to have any heirs one wonders if it will learn any lessons from our history. Certainly our forefathers, if able, must be wondering why we are letting everything go. Thoughtful write lady. Well done.

Posted by Joe Cramer on 06/24/08 at 12:47 AM

this is exceptional.....

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 06/24/08 at 10:06 PM

...ali, make an appointment immediately!!!!, my dear i applaud the clarity to at least see the opalesence of the Wonder?, in this instance can we but not know that He is in charge? and tho He may choose an endtime for us, does He not other plans?, is that perhaps what Nirvana and Heaven are all about[to our feeble human awareness]? and shouldn't we remember in the darkness what we saw in the Light?...ali, these are not rehetorical to me, they are sorta post-it notes of things to remember today...what w/ the world awhirl as it appears to you and i and others of our same ilk, one could wonder and tho we wonder, STILL we should not wander, love this pome love your work love you...

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