You can come out, it's just Death by Johnny CrimsonMarzipan patch at the end of the road
Thirsty and curious with mommy's stolen basket
Fluttery-fun sun dress and rose red Coke bottle
cheeks she ate them all and smiled
Years down
Walls are here
Friends dreamed of but surely dead
Needle in my arm
and the whole family's downstairs
ready with the camera crew
trying to give me that intervention
Her eyes twitched 9 or 10 more times
and she was still
As the image of herself eating fruits in an imaginary field of flowers began to fade away
Truth is she's always been up there
locked in the secret attic since the war
lived off food caches and an abundance
of heroin leftover from her mother
No one ever told her that the Nazi's were gone
06/16/2008 Posted on 06/17/2008 Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson