this is for all of our breathless twilights. by Sophia Gracelook, i said. look! as i watched the way
the light, quick-darkening, transient, traced
the lines of your face, pooled in the hollows
beneath your eyes, highlighted curls and gently
touched the tiny threat of a smile on your lips.
have you ever caught fireflies? you said and
i shook my head, my hair heavy, dark, weighing
the movement down, curls brushing langurously
against cheekbones. i have never caught a
firefly but suddenly, i want a dozen, flickering,
floating in a glass bottle with my message (i
think i adore you) but not corked because
beautiful things should always be free.
free like you, and in those moments when we
are alone, limbs tangled, lips stained inky
purple with syrah, the delicate tapping of
branches against the bedroom window, the end
notes fading out dissonantly against the slow
inhale / exhale and yes! in those moments
free like i am as well. 06/13/2008 Posted on 06/13/2008 Copyright © 2025 Sophia Grace