Sunshine by Thomas PowersEach day, for years, on roads of thankless drudge,
So dark that life its light did not bestow,
My journey had become ensnared in sludge,
Like pipe when choking roots deny its flow.
In need of path from out this life so mired
If eer my travel forward would proceed,
I squirmed with outstretched arms fore time expired
That, once again, the light my way would lead.
Through black of clouds, I thought I neer could breach,
She struck as bright as lightnings flash through nights
Dark sky and forged my soul to live for each
New day. Now travel I to unthought heights.
Her light does lead and draw me through the clouds
I soar unbound with sunshine as my shroud.
copyright©Thomas Powers, 2007
Copyright © 2007 Thomas Powers
05/29/2007 Posted on 06/09/2008 Copyright © 2025 Thomas Powers