playing the game by Sophia GraceThe sun's journey to sleep has shocked the sky scarlet -
I have been here since 5 and have felt your eyes
caress me, undress me,
but really, that hardly explains it because you have had me
and we've just now spoken. Such liberties!
You think you're witty -
I don't but I'll play the flirt, play you.
Shrug with a smile and set my hair shimmying
down my back but I know enough to skip away
from your wandering hands.
You asked me my name and I told you to buy me a drink instead.
I'll drink you down baby, dredge your deepest wells, you said.
(Hips cocked, this conversation's loaded)
My eyes are glazed, grey, lips gin-soaked but when I
take you home tonight it'll be on my terms and
you'll wish you didn't remember a thing in the morning. 06/02/2008 Posted on 06/02/2008 Copyright © 2025 Sophia Grace