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by David Hill

Kicked by a mule
and too cool for school,
I was swingin' strung to a star
eating olives out of a jar.
Not giving a flying feathered fig,
I found myself this crazy jumped-up
boardwalk busker, all Binged and banged
in a pork pie hat and striped coat,
moonbeaming my ukulele lament
for the lovelorn high
over star strung strollers;
Ohhh, No-one
never loves No-one,
and no-one
never loves no-one
in returnÂ…


Author's Note: double your negatives, double your fun!

Posted on 05/28/2008
Copyright © 2024 David Hill

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Quentin S Clingerman on 05/30/08 at 01:47 AM

Quite a spoof of the country blues!

Posted by Ann Krischus on 02/25/11 at 03:35 PM

LOL! What a fun read! Thank you. This style reminds me of Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein.

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