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College Algebra

by Johnny Crimson

Forming the way
a lake forms in a cubicle
Staring up from beneath the floor
and seeing yourself in the drop ceiling above

The way it just ruins everything

Speed me up I've got
one nice precise hit
with my big bat before
they get away
It aught to be one hell fuck of a woozy
before they find out your age and mine

I'd rather meet you at a Mets bar

My favorite picture of you
hasn't been taken yet
And I'm bottling her DNA
in case they make cloning possible
(for dummies)

Rather meet her in a park with pedestrians
Rather jaywalk this side of town till my gut
disappears and reappears transformed onto a billboard
in an ad for amputees
In which I (looking stunning)
hold a headless mans head
and push his wheelchair off a cliff
screaming "Red white lie" down the off ramp

Go troops

I'd like to meet you in a frozen restaurant
Dead is the air except for the fog
Dead is the waitress still holding a tray
Licking my finger I wiped off her name tag
Oh it just screamed southern

You had the ice with a side of ice
and I had the stuffed ice
we ate well that night

We have really built a strong
foundation here
This relationship house
has certainly got some sturdy beginnings
It's a shame theres no ceiling and shit keeps falling on us
The only thing I'll ever put over your head is a dick


Posted on 04/25/2008
Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 04/25/08 at 03:17 AM

Always get the last great line in, don't you? I often wonder if you start with the last line and work your way backwards. Another good one all the way through, man.

Posted by A. Paige White on 06/15/10 at 12:32 AM

Obviously you took college algebra at one of our major universities. The little Jr. College where I took college algebra didn't give these kind of equations... I might have gotten only one equation right...
You had the ice with a side of ice and I had the stuffed ice we ate well that night with the straws up our noses man, Sean. I don't know how to comment. You definitely got to go first if we try a collab.

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