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It doesn't matter. Yes it does.

by Johnny Crimson

I've been dreaming of a discreet type of explosion
I've been thinking bout a secret little meet-up

He sells doors
door to door
And she paints paintings of
people painting paintings

I've been waiting for a match up of fluids
I've been wanting to find you in my closet

Feverishly painting away she
heard a sound
Checking the hallway
a dick protruded
from the wall so she sucked it

It never came so she never left

I've been watching through a hole
in the shower
I've been waiting for the pool to open up

Dripping with paint and cock
in her throat
The phone begins to ring

She knows it's her husband
with a million excuses why
no one will buy doors
And that he really tries

And how he loves his "sweeties"
with all his heart
When he really means
I don't even sell doors you cunt
I'm gonna fuck you half heartedly
tonight and brag to my
buddies who tug on their jimmies
thinking about my wife

I've been waiting for a perfect day like this
I've been cutting out a hole in the hallway

Letting the machine pick it up
she hums and smiles
She whispers "fuck me" in the hole and turns around
"Sean I know it's you,
I've been dreaming of this"

Staring at the sheet rock on the other side
of the wall
I wished I had planned to see what was
happening to me

But as my eyes rolled back
I bit my lip
and remembered
That the door salesman was dying
as we fucked
And I would never have to hide again


Posted on 04/22/2008
Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Coleman Demiurge on 04/23/08 at 06:28 AM

Brilliant indeed. My favorite part - It never came so she never left. That is awesome; all of it is... Great work.

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