Loathed Love by Nikki Benson
I’m on the verge of ice cream and slide shows
I’ve done this thing
Where I’ve centered my world around you
And when you aren’t in it
I’m spinning out of control
How stupid am I, to love?
Love is a fruitless endeavor
The moments of love inevitably end in pain
Even if you are faithful to death
When the reaper comes, it is grim
But is the pain more powerful then the love that was
All I am left with is the pain
All you have are the moments in between
Would you rob yourself of the moments in-between to avoid the inevitable pain?
We do not yet live in a perfect world where the moments in-between are never ending
In this life, love is risk
Love ends in pain
Life is what exists in the moments in-between
I’m just not in-between right now…
I’m in a moment of pain
A moment of self inflicted pain
Pain chosen to enjoy a moment
In-between a moment of pain
And those moments were extraordinary 04/17/2008 Posted on 04/17/2008 Copyright © 2025 Nikki Benson