Blame It On the Weather by Megan GuimbellotMaybe it's the spring that's got me crazy but I find myself thinking,
now, on these cool sheets, of your hands hot on my skin and your breath on my neck//black hair spread across red pillows,
the same ones you tipped me onto as you helped me wear a little less...
And I'm giving responsibility to the season and the humid air for my thoughts of you,
on me, the way i had imagined you would feel,
my hands lost in your hair as we both breathed a little faster and your fingers traced circles like torture across my stomach and further still(and I knew right then that you were mine)
I blame the month of April for these thoughts,
these thoughts of how we slept that night, dazed by the touch of skin on skin,
with bite marks on your shoulders,
scratches on your back,
and my body, still shaking, stretched against yours. 04/09/2008 Author's Note: I'll wait for you
Posted on 04/10/2008 Copyright © 2025 Megan Guimbellot