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It's Time to Change Colors

by Jeffrey Parren

Employment has carried through
many different facets of black and white
an attire fitting of the subservient.

In waiting on somebody and nobody
trends fleet little for these of hindrance
recognizing responsibility versus desire.

Where personality can shine through
but only in their way as the hierarchy
forms on the basis of hypocrisy.

Attitude falters and morphs into anger
as politeness is forgotten for business
bottom line hunters on both sides.

"Turnover" used to depict the rate
of incoming and outgoing help, now
a position of how much one can stomach.

When the party ends the lights come on
truths beheld are sometimes truths ignored
so the party rushes on without stop.

At some point one has to corrupt
the other eventual knowledge too late
the real healing can never begin.

So as the restaurant air suffocates
instant money kills responsibility
and the meaning of happiness.

It takes a tiny dose of fight
combined with micro-management
to create a warrior of self-righteousness. 

As I sing and mold my combatant yell
tuxedo of black and white falls without fail
to yellows, reds, blues, and greens.


Author's Note: For those that don't know, I wait tables. This is written in the muse of not waiting tables anymore. The title used to be the first stanza with only one line but figured it made the title just fine.

Posted on 03/18/2008
Copyright © 2024 Jeffrey Parren

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mary Frances Spencer on 03/19/08 at 04:26 AM

But it speaks for all professions...what it takes to get through and survive long enough to pay this months' bill. Nice read! MFS

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