Meaning the bones! by Johnny CrimsonSo here's to rotting out
the seeds of awakening
As old bones rest in ships
at the bottom of the sea
Puffing cob pipes
clinched tightly between teeth
Like throwing a painting of a skull
with worms in its eyes underwater
Like the jealous rusty nails who know in their
hearts that they will never be used again
While their shiny plated steel cousins are
being hammered into ships that will never sink
or drift off course
Ships that will never know the feeling of decay
Sometimes I can see them through glass bottom boats
I lye on my belly and watch the bigger fish
try and steal all their treasure
The sea has taken their gold and their hearts
It's taken their skin
along with their eyes
They remain unnamed and forever erased from time
And as much as we do
We fly to the moon
We watch ourselves animated in glass boxes
connected to outlets
that electrify our lives
And this excites us?
No matter how fast we drive
The inventive ways we die
What we save or burn
Who we kill or keep
What we fuck or when
or how or how often we fuck it
We could never rot like them 03/13/2008 Posted on 03/13/2008 Copyright © 2024 Johnny Crimson