ring . . . freakin ring!! by Ymelda Ramirezthe moon falls. . .
the sun takes it's place.
once again, i have yet to hear from you.
a cold sadness enters my heart.
i'm not on your mind.
it seems that i'm prying for your attention
when all i want is to hear your voice.
it would be nice to talk to you.
just a little
"hey, how are you?"
would suffice.
your're probably too busy living that
double-tall-nonfat-no-whip-white-chocolate-mocha type of life.
it wouldn't take long to put the paper
down and text me a simple
don't worry
the PRINTED stock info won't change in 45 seconds.
i guess i just want to know that you think of me.
that at some point during the day,
i cross your mind.
i'll continue to sit here.
gawking at my phone.
as i wait for your call. 02/03/2008 Posted on 02/03/2008 Copyright © 2025 Ymelda Ramirez