
I Choose Me

by Jayme L Helmick

I refuse to let someone or something else dictate how my day is going to go.

I refuse to let circumstances turn me into something I'm not.

I refuse to let someone else's confusion, insecurity, bad day, or asshattery make me confused or insecure, give me a bad day, or turn me into an asshat.

I refuse to let someone else's opinion of me matter, especially if it doesn't.

I refuse to feel like less than a goddess just because someone else doesn't appreciate me for who and what I am.

I refuse to let myself feel sad, sorry, or depressed just because things aren't going exactly the way I want them to right now.

I CHOOSE to be healthy.

I CHOOSE to be happy.


I CHOOSE peace and serenity.

I CHOOSE to embrace all the good that has been given me and throw out the dross with last night's leftovers.

I CHOOSE to focus on my blessings and BELIEVE that they will multiply, as will my happiness, joy, peace and serenity - because the more I FOCUS on those things, the more they will be ATTRACTED to me.

I CHOOSE to live my life with freedom, unencumbered by regrets or sorrows or what-ifs.

I CHOOSE to have a good day, to be the person *I* want to be, to be secure in my divinity and beauty, to think highly of myself, and to treat myself well because I deserve no less.

I choose ME.


Posted on 01/06/2008
Copyright © 2025 Jayme L Helmick

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Joe Cramer on 01/06/08 at 04:38 PM

Brilliant! This is one of those poems that I'll print to place on my mirror to read every day... an awesome write... now one of my favorites... thanks you sharing....

Posted by Mary Frances Spencer on 01/06/08 at 06:39 PM

Right on! Let's affirm everday! MFS

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