
Lake of Nowhere

by Alison McKenzie

They say that if I forget about you,
You will fade into the Lake of Nowhere.
Your magic will die.
Your powers will fade all away.

They say that if I can just turn my back,
Even while you call after me,
Desperation pouring from your soul,
I will be done with you at last.

No more tormented thoughts.
You, touching my face, while we
Sway in the winter snow dance
Of every single dream I ever had of us.

They say that I don’t even have to bury you,
I need only close my eyes and drift ahead,
Leave your faerie dust in a heap
At the head of the trail so I will never find my way back.

They say that the time for enchantment has passed us
And it’s time to put all wands aside.
Your steed has gone to pasture
And my hair is turning, turning.


Author's Note: Inspired by a recent view of the movie Merlin.

Posted on 12/29/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mary Frances Spencer on 12/30/07 at 12:49 AM

Faerie poems rock! And I really enjoyed this one...you've drawn me in somehow. MFS

Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 12/30/07 at 01:37 AM

i was just thinking this sounded like Merlin...love that movie! and likewise, love this poem.

Posted by Mara Meade on 12/30/07 at 09:06 PM

Slipped onto my Favourites list...

Posted by George Hoerner on 01/05/08 at 04:35 PM

Most peole want to leave someone way behind and out of their mind. Such a beautiful way to do it. Very nicely written.

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