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Nocturnal Desire

by Oscar Martínez

I come to write you a line
because I feel you in this night

I need to embrace you,
have you realized?

When I could kiss you I desist
Then I begin to desire your mouth
and your hands and your eyes...
And your body,
and the soul that springs from your words,
and therefore your words.
All that animates your words,
that, I begin to desire.
I donĀ’t recall when it started
my collection of desires and that to which
I may not give your name...

Almost always I was with you in the night
that is why I sense you


Author's Note: Translation to English by Maria Massarella, from "Nocturno Deseo". Gracias Marķa, no siempre agradezco las bendiciones, tu eres una de mis bendiciones.

Posted on 12/15/2007
Copyright © 2024 Oscar Martínez

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 12/15/07 at 06:48 PM

A dream of a hundred yeses! In my favorites along with all the poems of yours I can read. Thank you Maria. I feel this poem... through and through... my nights.

Posted by Maria Massarella on 12/16/07 at 01:07 AM

Thank you, Oscar ... the original version is ever more enticing in sound and flow - but this is the closest I could come to leave intact the beauty of your words. I didn't choose the poem - it chose me ... *abrazos

Posted by Maria Massarella on 12/16/07 at 01:08 AM

I love the original version :)

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 12/18/07 at 05:22 AM

Oscar, this has all the beauty of love, with passion being the reason. I'd like to see the original because as Maria says, (at least for me) poems in other languages sound much more romantic. I'm putting this on my favorites list.

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