
Kathleen - Soul of Blessing

by Alison McKenzie

Your magnificent words -
Warmest shiver of decadent caress
On a bleak day;
Blindingly brilliant when
The sun shines over your
California skies.
But today…

O’ today!
Your happy, holiday energy
Is contagious,
How I love you for it!

Accenting my umbra,
Draping my silly sadnesses
In plumful joys
And cinnamon loaves of nurture;
Unintentioned friendship;
December gifts for any day;
Glorious soul of blessing,
I thank you!!


Author's Note: For Kathleen Wilson and her contagious joy!!

Posted on 12/10/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 12/10/07 at 07:14 PM

every day is my holiday... you know that Alison... so no seasonal inspiring sprite... I'll be haunting every night! you are dearly poetic and definitely tooooo much!!! (but I should not talk, who claims to have "a flair for excess...")

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