
Love in Hues of Nutmeg

by Alison McKenzie

Purple, my favorite shade
Of umbra
But never a circus purple
Rich hues of deep violet
Smokey plums and nutmeg
Wrap around
Quilt of safety
Varieties of amethyst
Kneading cinnamon earth
Misty visions of overcast skies
Sunset peeking through
Streaks of lavender clouds
Velvet caress of
On the tip of my tongue
Celestial winds of change
Worlds built on the edge of
Never said
Until the time is ripe


Posted on 12/09/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 12/10/07 at 05:28 PM

I love "the edge of You" and also the scents of this poem... nutmeg and cinnamon... you've inspired me to (bake) (make) something... hot and sweet.. for a poet tonight! And I'll wear smokey plum. Yes.

Posted by Rhiannon Jones on 12/11/07 at 08:21 AM

I've returned to this poem several times, trying to figure out why I like it and how to say that...now (perhaps because it is 3AM and my brain has disengaged) I acknowledge that I just like it on a purely visceral level. Its all them pretty colors... :o)

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