
One More New Year's Eve

by Alison McKenzie

We spoke today
The way old friends sometimes do
As if no months had passed
Since your Valentine.

We've never touched,
Though sometimes I wonder
Ether sent through time and space
In spoken word caress.

The chariot summoned,
You never got in;
The slipper cracked and dust
Despite your dreams.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
Near the arms of 18 years after me
While yours, the arms of 18 years before me
Empty, as we journey ever closer toward

One more New YearÂ’s Eve withoutÂ…


Posted on 12/01/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 12/01/07 at 03:34 PM

Delicate and intense at the same time. I loved reading it and being surprised by "Valentine". Especially now, at the end of the year... and so the imminence of New Year's is strong too, in feeling. The 18 year focus has an eerie feel to it... and the "ever closer" at first feels hopeful... until the next line... very strongly composed, I love the "ether" of it, and obviously strong generating force. I love the "never touched of it" in a poetic way... though it's hard in every other...

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