

by Alison McKenzie

Something is missing.
I can’t quite put my finger on it,
And when I try to peer in
For a closer look,
The murky waters churn
And turn to ice.

I have this vision of myself,
Gathering fragments of a life
From the far reaches of experience,
But never quite solving the riddle.

Living half a life
In bits and pieces here and there,
I am scattered.
I discover nothing cohesive,
Remnants of some otherworld intentions
Hanging over my head,
Just out of reach.

It’s funny to me,
How the state of bliss
Waxes and wanes
Like a moon without it’s tide,
I wander these lonely days,
Feeling neither pulled nor pushed
Nor loved.

What’s wrong with me?
For love is surely present
I must be the missing element.


For the smallest stretch
There were those moments I lived in,
One by precious one.
Joy was there,
And I will go back
By staying put,
In this moment
And this moment alone;
For it never begins or ends
It simply always is.


Author's Note: I don't understand what's happened to me lately.

Posted on 11/10/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

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