
Conscious Repose

by Alison McKenzie

Eloquent whispers float
Along the autumn breeze
Lullaby of peace
And slumbersome my heart

I am suddenly calm
Taking careful note of my usual preference
To frolic in rotting leaves
And wallow in stale summer pools

I no longer require the sun
Or a winter cloak
My blood boiling from the fire
Raging in my ribs

One might discover the flames and
Think to get a bucket
Only I don’t scream
Or even sizzle

No. Today I simply inhale
Rationed elements
And sigh on the exhale
Quietly drifting on the waves of

Eloquent whispers floating
Along hushed autumn breezes
Lullaby of peace
And slumbersome my heart


Posted on 11/08/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Charlie Morgan on 11/08/07 at 05:10 PM

...so you're gonna take a day OFF!!!, eh?...i love it's drift of a happy melancholy...and for a moment [in time] you're gonna just "chill"...lovely sentiment...ever 6 million or so years, i can become melancholy...good write, peace, chaz

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