
Sheer Cupidity

by Alison McKenzie

My heart is nearly closed to
The cupidity of the idea that we might
Go on and on

I've left the door open too long
And it's too close to winter
I feel my middle aged bones
Beginning to crisp
Like autumn leaves
Blowing round the yard

And I'm tired now
And foolish for thinking
There would be another spring
In my seasons.


Posted on 11/06/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 11/06/07 at 08:31 PM

i love the imagery here.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 11/08/07 at 08:58 PM

...alison, i think it is fine w/without the line 2 break that b.dooley is tawkin' about...symetry...but, mayhaps in doing line-breakage, you coulc break[off] together lines 2 and 4...your life, your poetry...mmmm check it out[all done suggested with love] My heart is nearly closed to The cupidity of the idea that we might go on and on. And I’m tired now I’ve left the door open too long And it’s too close to winter. I feel my middle aged bones Beginning to crisp Like autumn leaves Blowing round the yard. And foolish for thinking There would be another spring In my seasons.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 11/08/07 at 09:01 PM

...alison, my cut&paste no-worky the way i wanted it to...essentially i was trying to say: love line breakage, long and short...so i's just suggesting...but it didn't work so...like hogan's heroes' schultz, i say nothinK, i know nothinK...mucho lovo, chaz

Posted by Anne Engelen on 11/09/07 at 06:54 PM

Such sadness this conveys. Never give up on spring, that season always takes one by surprise!

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