

by Alison McKenzie

Look at me,
I’ve melted.
Clarified liquid
Penetrated by
Your desire to swallow me whole and
Feel me inside you -
Decadent gifts taken from
Wistful dreaming long ago.

I am unnerved,
All my carefully crafted,
Hidden wishes
Unveiled by the tenderness
Of your temperate embrace;
Your timeless recognition
Of our everlasting affinity and
Connection of kindred souls
Igniting phenomenal journey.

You know
I must follow my heart.
But reaching into the pool,
I cannot determine where I end
And you begin -
Separated only by the illusion of
Reality’s circumstance,
Knowing that when I resolidify
You may disappear.


Posted on 11/05/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

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