

by Alison McKenzie

Lend me Your spirit,
O wondrous Creator of this realm
For I am attached
And wish to be freed

Untie me from suffering
That I might know the bliss of eternity
In Your embrace

I understood when my firstborn
Left his tiny body behind
That we are not our bodies
But it was his cooing, giggling lips I missed,
As well as the bright spirit of inspiration
That lived with me for but a breath,
Tiny fingers curling around mine
Trust and innocence dependant on
Breasts that sustained his little heart.
It was skin to skin
That we bonded in love.

How do I leave love?
Surrender to Your design,
While raising my children,
Caring for my aged elder,
Swimming in the ocean of my lover’s dream.
How do I leave this happiness behind me?

Teach me, Beloved Master of the highest planes.
Mold me, I am Yours.
Take my life and guide me
To the land of Your most holy sustenance.


Author's Note: I am hungry for His will.

Posted on 10/29/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by A. Paige White on 10/29/07 at 01:48 PM

This is beautiful, Ali! Wow. Very inspiring.

Posted by Charlie Morgan on 10/29/07 at 03:49 PM

...you are being heard, this is Pathos...gut-wrenching/lovely...yinyang o' emotions...peace, chaz

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