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If Only

by Jeffrey Parren

I didn't work so much
to pay off a debt made larger
by my attempt to rid myself
of a miniscule debt.

I could wake up without aches
and easily wake you,
especially on those days
when you find it hard.

I did what I loved for a living,
writing poetry or using my hands
to build furniture or a home,
to do good for the world.

Life wasn't so difficult to understand,
because when good people die
and your job reminds you of
how many horrible people still exist.

My past never happened so I
really could be all yours forever,
but alas I did love others, fleeting
at best, without them understanding me.

Your past never happened so you
could really trust in my worth
even though it's easy to think the worst;
putting me in a category with fools.

I could marry you tomorrow,
steal you away to a far away place
and live happily ever after,
just you and I, and our love.


Author's Note: Amy, I love you more and more each day. So many things could have been different IF...but they aren't and can't. Time to accept me and our situation, and enjoy it.

Posted on 10/21/2007
Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren

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