
Saturdays at the pizza shop. ($8.50/hour)

by Frank Lee

Saturdays at the pizza shop.

I used to eat a sleeve of Ritz crackers and drink 4 cans of grape soda
While I checked my email and played poker
On the internet.

I would wake up sometime around noon
And not shower till seven.

I never cooked at home.
Usually, I ate leftover Chinese and cold pizza
While watching an independent film about twentysomething’s going through
A quarter-life crisis.

I was creative back then.
I’d write songs on the piano
And record them on the 4-track.

I’d roll joints as I listened to the melodies on my headphones,
And try to pen lyrics,
Mostly about booze and debauchery.

I’d then jump on my bike and ride to
Work, flipping pizzas at a crowded spot downtown,
Time would go fast as we listened to classic rock and

Sold slices for a dollar.
People would drunkenly stumble into our store
And wait in long lines

For our oven baked pizza.
I’d usually not get off until around 3 in the morning,
Have a celebratory toke and head home.

On Sunday’s,
I would wake up sometime around noon
And not shower till seven.


Author's Note: Best part about working at a pizza joint is all the free pizza.

Posted on 10/16/2007
Copyright © 2024 Frank Lee

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