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Monkey and The Golden Mountain

by Peter Hsu

is the sound i make
when i change
seventy-two earthly transformations
i stowed in a trunk
and brought to the Golden Mountain
you've seen each one
railroad worker
laundry boy
greasy cook
old grandma in her "pajamas"
slipper walking in the park
exotic girl with all the A's
dating the white boys who like
suckee suckee
angry boy with long black hair
smoking cigarettes and American whiskey
Bruce Lee and his primal scream
but not Charlie Chan, fuck Charlie Chan
never was Charlie Chan
and Fu Manchu is my best friend
sucking on the long hairs of his mustache
as we make long villainous love schemes
to eradicate the white ghosts who gave him
cat eyes
long fingernails
emasculated sex drive
you've seen all my faces
but you haven't seen me
oh America, country of White Bone Demons
jungle of white American tigers
in my world
you are endangered
i was born from a stone
shooting beams of light from my eyes
and i tricked the gods
and i ate the peaches of immortality
but you were born from purloined wombs
everybody you couldn't capture with steel claws
you tricked with strips of paper
adding their lives to the length of yours
i am hunting you
and my Ru Yi Bang
my Mind-Willing Gold-Banded Cudgel
will flash over your Roman head
and break your skull into fifty pieces
oh what a sound!
my children will rattle their cages
the cages with names like
Great Wall Chinese Restaurant
Doctor Wang
Consultations By Appointment
Jane Chu
Voted Most Likely To Succeed
and i will walk over the horizon
bigger than texas
King Fucking Kong triumphant
and they will see
white American tiger skin
wrapped around my waist
fresh blood on my teeth
where i feasted on your heart
because it's been a long time
trapped beneath the Golden Mountain
with no Xuanzang coming to free me
he died before you lifted the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
and now he sits in the Western Paradise
that lies farther west than hawaii
still unwelcome in Jesusland
so i freed myself
realized your Golden Mountain
is just made of painted foil
but i'll climb it anyway
Monkey that i am
and plant my staff at the top
make it grow to the heavens
as i make my final transformation


Author's Note: monkey speaks

Posted on 10/16/2007
Copyright © 2025 Peter Hsu

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Johnny Crimson on 10/17/07 at 03:00 AM

Amazing stuff. Here I am searching around for scary stories and someones realities slap me in the face. Great stuff.

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