

by Alison McKenzie

It's not about you,
Or even me.

If everything seemed perfect,
Not a hair out of place,
I would still grieve,
And rail -
Fists and tears.

It's about the seen and unseen
Spectrum of every rainbow -
And the promise of every after.


Posted on 10/15/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Matthew Sharp on 10/15/07 at 10:31 PM

so its beyond all that and back and forth madness in serenity. i see you are not selfishly embibing your individuality:) your just awesome i cant think of a bunch of cool words right now.. but when i do.. i will message you:)

Posted by Michelle Angelini on 10/16/07 at 06:34 PM

In your words there's a mixture of sadness and happiness, but I'm not sure which one comes out on top. Rainbows are so beautiful and temporary. We have to catch them when they appear.

Posted by Kathleen Wilson on 10/17/07 at 06:34 AM

Fragility of time and place even in that feeling of perfection-- good cause to "grieve and rail-fists and tears" A very strong feeling here for the essence of life and the ungraspable and ephemeral nature of it!

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