The Submissive

by Steven Craig

Go slow
Go On
Careful Acknowledgement

Why do you feel so compelled
So obsessed
Why does it bear on your mind
Your fantasies
Your needs your private thoughts
Your steps in life
Your echo’s of unanswered torments

Why is it so appealing
Each has their own background
The reason they got here
Why they must be here
There is something placed in the mind long ago
It makes it more than appealing
Makes it necessary
Makes it unbearable
To live without

Each has their point of reference.

To Serve
To please
To sacrifice
To endure
To compete
To self challenge
To relent
To give it all up
To surrender
To feel sensations
To know the excitement
To relish the unknown
To embrace the unexpected
To be firmly spoken to
To be sternly corrected
To be punished
To be rewarded
To believe
To love
To be loved

To do it all over again
And again
And again

Dark desires
Private desires
To belong
To be owned

To have no questions unanswered
To have complete freedom
To have no choice
To have it all
To be denied everything
To know you are wanted
Wanted so much you are chained
Even if you were given the key
You would never use it
Even if you had the way out
You would close and bar it
To be so compelled to be free enough
So restricted
So entrenched
So secluded
You can be just yourself
For that space in time
That is your bondage.

You are incomplete
You are only half you

You are a keyless lock
Searching for the lockless key

You are the uncut gem
Seeking the jeweler's eye

You are the river
Searching for its rain

You are the cloud
Seeking the mountain's shelter

You are the rose
Searching for the thorn

It is freedom from want
That makes you want

There is no heart in you
If you can not give yourself
In Pain
In Pleasure
In total

Why is it so appealing

Is it really that simple
It is who you are


Author's Note: It is a differnt kind of loving, this emotion that many men and women carry deep inside. Far too often, one realizes the depth, the other never will. To explain, to paint that scene, is the hardest moment of anyones life. WHen I was asked to explain the edges of love that has as much pain as any other type of relationship, just as much love, and still make it clear that it is not just a fantacy, but the real heart, is just a small contribution to those who are the submissive.

Posted on 09/22/2007
Copyright © 2024 Steven Craig

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 09/22/07 at 02:43 AM

I like something that hits that level of being really powerful without ever leaving some of the simple language and images available. You really nailed it with this one.

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