
When the Plate is Full

by Alison McKenzie

I sit at my keyboard
Copal burning on the shelf
I am immobile,
Unable to digest all that
Life is serving
A plate too full to consume
And so it sits uneaten
While I

Sit at my keyboard
Strangers sending me messages
From far away, far
Away ~.~ away
I drift while the garbage waits,
Uncollected while the dishes sing, undone
My thoughts in the mirror
The disarray that sits

At my keyboard
Paint dry and cracking
Brush-strokes of brilliance blinded
By the cuisine being served today on

My keyboard
Here I am while my thoughts run amuck
The only call to conscious acts is the

Don’t betray me now
My over-worked fingers numb and tingling
But still craving the final expression of
What is happening to me


Author's Note: Too much going on right now.

Posted on 09/20/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Mary Ellen Smith on 09/21/07 at 02:30 AM

Love that the dishes are singing to you!!! Sometimes you can't move until you can move...when there is so much going on it is good to be still for awhile.

Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 09/21/07 at 02:56 AM

i can sooo relate! you expressed this so well that my dishes have started singing to me. thanks.

Posted by Elizabeth Jill on 09/23/07 at 10:35 PM

I'm with Steve, and then also, this part is especially cool the way it plays out:

Brush-strokes of brilliance blinded
By the cuisine being served today on

My keyboard

ack! i need to go to the store-do the dishes-sweep the porch-it never ends! thank heaven for poets!

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