The first day in my new life by Lisa-Dawn SparlingI started my new life today
Standing at 7:00 in the morning at the sink cutting tops off of strawberries,
in my crisp white bathrobe with the sunshining through the window...
everything is all a glow.
Yesturday I said goodbye to my carreer after 7 years.
Today we surrender my dads ashes into the ocean
I am saying goodbye to a chapter in my life when my fathers health
and my grief dictated the steps I took and work was out of function not out of love.
As I stand at the sink all a glow I hear in the background a song play
"It's all about you,
Everymorning that you wake
before the first steps that you take
Just think its all that you make it
and you'll make it through"
All of the sudden I KNOW I'm on the right path...
and I take a deep breath.....and I take a sip of my
delicious coffee and sit and write this.
For the first time in a LONG time I KNOW
that everything will be ok...
This is the first day in my new chapter.
Bring it on! I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
08/25/2007 Author's Note: BIG life transition for me. i am leaving a job that I enjoy, people that I enjoy seeing everday....and I am going to start a new career, first as student, than as an LPN. So many changes so many doors opening and closing.
Posted on 08/25/2007 Copyright © 2025 Lisa-Dawn Sparling