
down time brings me up time

by Shonda Creemer

it is in the quiet
that i am reminded of what i don't have

i turned my cell off last night
i needed the stillness
i needed to hear You
for once i sought out the quiet

it is in those same quiet moments
that everything i have
comes to remembrance

like a washing of sorts
trying to remove the bad
and replace it with the good

i would like to think
let me rephrase that
i know in my heart of hearts
that in those moments
Jesus holds me close

peace be still
give it to Me

and what more could anyone want
during the quiet

absolutely nothing


Author's Note: i will not let satan win

Posted on 08/15/2007
Copyright © 2024 Shonda Creemer

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Gabriel Ricard on 08/15/07 at 04:22 AM

I don't think he has a chance.

Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 08/15/07 at 12:17 PM

Amen and you go, girl!

Posted by A. Paige White on 08/15/07 at 02:18 PM

It does my heart good to read this!

Posted by Mary Ellen Smith on 08/18/07 at 02:06 PM

Guarding your mind and heart...good for you dearie.

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