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Something Inside

by Jeffrey Parren

Something's in me.

There is something in me.

I feel for it, but it can't be touched.

Touched no, but felt, yes.

It's you inside me.  Right there.

No.  You moved. 

Not taking up physical space.

You are inside me, but are matter-less.

Yet you matter so much.

Your love.  That is inside.

Your heart.  My heart.  One heart.

Beating at the sound.

The sound of a drum we both hear.

Even when we are not near.

That drum's beat's ferocious.

My heart beats as yours wills it.

Something's in me.

That something is in me but I can't touch.

That something can be felt.  It is you.


Author's Note: I love you so much that your pain is mine. I drive you to pain sometimes only so I know how to not lead you down that path again, but I suppose sometimes I forget, and I push. I am sorry.

Posted on 08/10/2007
Copyright © 2025 Jeffrey Parren

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