by the way, I am also the luckiest women in the world by Lisa-Dawn SparlingI am a mom.
I, am a mom
I AM, a mom
I AM A, mom
I am forever in awe!
I have three beautiful, and I mean BEAUTIFUL children
and they love me, more than that ~ they adore me.(which is awesome because I happen to adore them too)
I have a husband, who often drives me crazy,
be he loves me, he always wants to be around me, which is a compliment, not a burden.
I am surrounded by a hodge podge of very interesting people, and they love me,
well at the least, they are entertained by me, and that is ok, I'm happy with that.
I can make myself laugh and I enjoy my own company, which is cool, I had to grow into that.
I have a floor, not a dirt floor, but a nice cherry wood floor, which is more than other people can say.
I love my parents, one in heaven, one's on earth, and I am grateful, the good, the bad, the ugly, they made me,
and I like me and I really like them, come to think of it, I like all my family, they make me smile :)
Did I foget to mention that I am the luckiest women in the world? 07/27/2007 Posted on 07/28/2007 Copyright © 2025 Lisa-Dawn Sparling