
Sombre Mourn

by Alison McKenzie

Darkness becomes
Morose advance
Of luminous disappear.
Don't wait for me;
I won't be coming home tonight.

The medicine wolf's on the hunt,
Heart flinch at the howling.
I heard my name
On the lips of a far away wind,
Invoking me;
Bone-blanch obscurity beseeching,
Shadow's iron grip
Bleeding me.

Weakness transfuses flesh -
No more color,
Silent retching slathered
Onto life's canvas.
Everyone stops to stare
But no one steps inside.

The owl has come to hoot
Broad daylight messages
Of life's euthanasia.
It doesn't make sense,
But don't wait for me -
I won't be coming home


Author's Note: Returned, now, to the original four stanzas.

Posted on 07/23/2007
Copyright © 2024 Alison McKenzie

Member Comments on this Poem
Posted by Genevieve Sturrock on 07/23/07 at 11:46 PM

i read this in it's orignal format and was running the door and couldn't leave a comment. as someone who likes to know how a story ends, i appreciate the final stanzas, but i agree with Mr.Stark...the original ending left an indelible mark upon me as a reader. either way, terrific poem.

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